About Us

The people of Easton have built a community of faith and farming. We invite you to drive through Faribault County, along highway 109. As you approach Easton, MN, you will see a horizon dominated by a towering church steeple, brilliantly reflecting the sunlight.

Surrounded by acres of some of the richest farmland in Southern Minnesota, Easton is a good place for rural families and Ag-related businesses to grow.

The City of Easton is an equal opportunity provider.

Notification of Accessibility of the Service Line Materials Inventory

City of Easton

The City of Easton has completed and submitted our service line materials inventory to the Minnesota Department of Health. The service line inventory is publicly available, and you can check the materials for your service line by visiting the Lead Inventory Tracking Tool (LITT) at https://maps.umn.edu/LSL/ you may also contact us at (507) 553-3119. To complete the service line inventory our system performed record review, community outreach, and/or visual inspections.

As of October 16, 2024, our inventory contains 0 lead, 0 galvanized requiring replacement, 9 unknown material, and 117 non-lead service lines.

City Government

City Clerk
Rose Doyle
City Hall, Main Street

City Government

City Council
Bryant Stiernagle, Mayor
Gayle Heise | Jon Rath | Elijah Lippert | Tony Stevermer

Public Safety

Fire Emergency: 911
Non-emergency: 507-787-2545

Public Safety

Police & Sheriff
: 911
Non-emergency: 507-526-5148

Public Safety

Emergency: 911


Cable TV/BEVCOMM: 507-553-3144
Digital TV with High Definition, & DVR Services Available