In the spirit of community, we give of ourselves. Community life is well served in our small Southern Minnesota rural community by the many volunteers who participate in building community life through various volunteer efforts. Our two local churches sponsor many activities and we have active youth, adult and Senior citizen groups.
- Barber Flyer’s 4-H Club
- Easton American Legion & Auxiliary
- Fireman’s Auxiliary
- Investment Club of Easton (ICE)
- The Easton Area Mentors (TEAM)
- TEAM puts on activities such as meals on Halloween before kids go trick-or-treating, Santa Clause Days, Easter Egg Hunt, and Neighbors Night Out in the Summer (Picnic at the Park)

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church
Pastor: Father Matt Fasnacht
Phone: Office: (507) 787-2303
Sunday Mass: 10:00 A.M.
Tri-Parish with Wells and Minnesota Lake, MN